Formative and Summative usability testing | UX Design Company
Formative and Summative usability tests in usability circles offer two distinct advantages. While both deal in assessing the quality of a user interface, these two forms of tests do so from different perspectives. Formative usability tests are qualitative—they are used to identify the ease or difficulty of design features early in the design phase. It…
UX and UI Design Quotations
Quotations about UX and UI Design: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” – Albert Einstein “Clutter is a failure of design, not an attribute of information.” – Edward Tufte “White space is to be regarded as an active element, not a passive background.” – Jan Tschichold “We need to…
Medical UI Design and consumer electronic devices
Medical UI design is being shaped by experiences with consumer electronic devices among physicians, medical staff and even patients. This influence includes screen layout, icons, gesture-based interaction, navigation, responsiveness and connectivity. As such, companies are starting to understand the need to design safe, effective medical devices which mirror the look and feel of commonly used…
Counting clicks in User Interface design
In User Interface design, intuitive simplicity is always a main goal. This often expands to the number of clicks a user will need to reach a certain feature, with the believe being the fewer clicks, the more efficient and simple the interface system. The “Three-Click Rule”—that nothing on a website should be more than 3…
Failure Maps and their use in user interface systems
Failure maps are patterns or conditions within user interface systems that have a direct relationship with ensuing failures. User journeys and workflows are still the backbone of successful UX design. But in addition to knowing the factors of user success, it’s also important to understand the elements that lead to failure. With over half the world’s…