Innovation Workshops – Inspiring UX solutions

Innovation Workshops consist of multiple generations of ideas that promote creative user experience solutions for meeting user needs, solving pain points, and discovering new features and workflows. These iteration sessions can lead to finding the “nuggets” features and workflows for a product that is beneficial to users but might otherwise be overlooked. One such project in which our Design team utilized the benefits of an innovation workshop was for Thermo Fisher’s NanoDrop One.

For Innovation Workshops to be successful, participants should empathize with current stakeholder needs and pain points before the workshop begins. For NanoDrop, Areteworks’ User Research experts first conducted essential Empathy Research through observational methodologies and contextual interviews. From the research data collected, we created detailed user journeys and user personas. These are essential for giving workshop participants a thorough understanding of the different types of end users and their goals and tasks. Providing this information in advance allows for more focused and strategic innovation and helps guarantee that actionable items will result from the brainstorming sessions.

While Innovation Workshops can lead to unique features, finding improved workflows for users to complete their tasks more intuitively and enjoyably is equally essential. Areteworks’ UX designers understood they needed to think about creating a simple, innovative, and coherent user experience for NanoDrop One. Conducting and eliciting precise feedback from stakeholders led to new and innovative UX solutions with intuitive workflows for multiple tasks to be completed. Workflow steps such as sample prep, analysis, and data sharing could now be met from within the same UI system.

Innovation workshop fosters creativity, promotes teamwork, and provides a competitive advantage for our clients. Areteworks’ Innovation Workshops helped our clients with a competitive edge. Contact us today if you would like to learn more about how Areteworks’ Design Thinking process can help guarantee your project’s success.

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