The Future of Interaction Design

There is an interesting write-up concerning User Interaction design and how we need to take a different perspective to analyzing what’s in store for the future. The main focus of the article deals with human need and human capabilities, and then discussing the tool that will be used to bridge the two in the digital…

Ranked # 1 for overall "BEST UI Design"

We just got ranked # 1 as the best GUI design firm in USA. Thanks to all my clients who gave us great reviews!

Ideas On The Future Of Health Care Design

Medical technology is advancing faster than ever, and the IT systems that support it need to be more flexible to adapt. has an interesting read on the future of health care technology and its effects on user interface design taken from the Mayo Clinic conference. Included in their analysis is how current technology must…

Quotes from Steven Jobs Lost Interview

A long-lost 1995 interview with Steve Jobs has surfaced, providing an interesting and enjoyable look at Jobs vision of a digital future. Some of the more memorable quotes are directly applicable to user interface and user experience design. From the interview: “No one thinks about why they do things very deeply.” “The Web is going…

Motion Graphics in User Interface

With the successful utilization of animated graphics in Apple’s iPhone, it would be to every UI designer’s benefit to better understand the basic rules of motion graphics and how they affect user experience satisfaction. There is a very nice article on that deals with the use of motion graphics and animation in UI design.…